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Whether or not you or your Organization already has a vision story and mission statement, it is likely the intellectual raw material to create inspiring and more effective statements already exists.  The Decide To DARE process brings people and ideas together in a way that can make dreams come true, and stretch the boundaries and limits of the imagination. 

Discover new ideas, find and collect existing materials, and learn from past experiences.  Use best practices to leverage all thirteen senses, diversity, cognitive diversity, and divergent thinking.

Align the new ideas, existing materials, and past experience lessons within the vision story, mission statement, and pathfinding plan (VMP) categories.  Use VMP questions to align correctly.

Recreate an inspiring vision story and mission statement.  Use the Wormhole multi-dimensional approach to creativity to marry vision and strategy with words that are inspiring.

Engage with the pathfinding process and plan.  Fix the destination on the map and identify your current position.  Compare the various paths.  Identify the roadblocks.  Brainstorm "crossing" strategies.  Move ahead.

© David W Wygant and Wormhole Consulting LLC. , All Rights Reserved 

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