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Connection:  55 year member , 2nd generation Scout , Eagle Scout, OA Vigil Member, Silver Beaver recipient.

HELPING YOUTH IS A KEY TO BUILDING A MORE CONSCIENTIOUS, RESPONSIBLE AND PRODUCTIVE SOCIETY.  The Boy Scouts of America is one of the nation's largest and most prominent values-based youth development organizations, providing programs for young people that build character, trains them in the responsibilities of participating citizenship and develops personal fitness. For more than 100 years, Boy Scouts of America has helped build future leaders by combining educational activities and lifelong values with fun.

The Story of Scouting.

Connection;  Founder.
A LIGHTHOUSE TO KEEP HONESTY, PUBLIC SERVICE AND DEMOCRACY SAFE.  In America, campaigning and governing has turned negative to the point of becoming an example of common playground bullying.   The candidates and public servants spend most of their time talking to each other.  They need to talk to us, the citizens they lead and represent.  This CAN be changed.


We need a new approach that will renew and unite America.  We are hungry for a positive and respectful national discussion that will help us choose service minded leaders like we haven’t seen in several generations.   All of this can be done with our individual right to vote.


The VOTING ALERT BEACONS connect with each other in a way that ensures our votes are influential and effective.   They are a common sense use of our RIGHT TO VOTE.  


© David W Wygant and Wormhole Consulting LLC. , All Rights Reserved 

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